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Appliation Security Section

Application security (short AppSec) includes all tasks that introduce a secure software development life cycle to development teams. Its final goal is to improve security practices and, through that, to find, fix and preferably prevent security issues within applications.

Exploring Web application security, OWASP, and tooling(SAST, DAST, static and dynamic analyzers, codestyle and standards)

Also leaning into DevSecOps, which is the seamless integration of security testing and protection throughout the software development and deployment lifecycle

Network Security Section

Networking basics-Routers(and setup), switches, identifying devices on a local network, troubleshooting, ICMP, IP addressing, MAC addressing, DNS, nslookup, DNSSEC and OCSP, etc.

Discussing common diagnostic and security tools like ping, netstat, ss, hping, traceroute, arp

Also delving into how the Web works, the HTTP Request/Response Cycle, HTTP headers, and session keys, cookies

GNU/Linux Operating System Security Section

Administration and maintenance of the GNU/Linux operating system, common security tools and security aspects

Microsoft Windows Operating System Security Section

Microsoft Windows Operating System administration, maintenance, architecture, and security fundamentals

GnuPG-The free implementation of the OpenPGP standard and using GPG-GUI

The free implementation of the OpenPGP standard. File and message encryption with GnuPG. Different types of encryption-symmetric and asymmetric, along with GPG-GUI, a front-end to GnuPG written in Python

Also exploring creating and verifying signatures on files or messages

SSH setup and secure configuration

operate securely over an unsecured network remote shell login, but any network service can be secured with SSH

Covers key generation, public key authentication, intrusion prevention, X11 forwarding, etc.

Android Security

Security related apps and tools available for Android

Android hardening and de-bloating, setting up Termux for SSH/SFTP and FTP access

Blue/Defensive Security

Red Teaming Section


