To design and configure a firewall on a server
To design and configure a firewall on a server using Cisco Packet Tracer. Also involves testing correct configuration/ruleset.
Designing and configuring a DHCP server using Cisco Packet Tracer
We will be using Cisco Packet Tracer to create a network topology map consisting of a few PCs, and a server system to act as a DHCP server
Studying Linux and Windows network commands
Taking a look at Linux and Windows network commands. [ping, pathping, ipconfig/ifconfig, arp, netstat, nbtstat, nslookup, route, traceroute/tracert, nmap, etc]
Creating a network topology map using Cisco Packet Tracer
Setting up a small network of a few network and end devices using Hubs/Switches. It includes configuring LAN Cards, interfaces, preparation of cables, assigning IP addresses, and checking the connection of the network, all done in Cisco packet tracer, a network topology mapper.
Networking Basics
Routers(and setup), switches, identifying devices on a local network, troubleshooting, ICMP, using the ping
The OSI and TCP/IP Models, packet capture with Wireshark
IP addressing
IP addresses-public and private, LAN, subnetting, DHCP servers
MAC addresses, ARP and ARP spoofing
DNS, nslookup, DNSSEC and OCSP
Exploring the Domain Name System, using nslookup
, DNS cache poisoning, DNSSEC and OCSP stapling
How the Web Works, HTTP Request/Response Cycle
HTTP/HTTPS-methods, status codes, URLs, tracking a GET request and the response
Also talking briefly about HTTP headers, and session keys, cookies
Exploring netstat, and how we could use this as a diagnostic tool when troubleshooting or monitoring networks
Setting up a DoS attack on a system or network, and experimenting with additional modes with hping
Using the traceroute utility to inspect the route of a packet sent across networks. Additionally, covers how we could use this as a diagnostic tool