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To design and configure a firewall on a server

To design and configure a firewall on a server using Cisco Packet Tracer. Also involves testing correct configuration/ruleset.

Designing and configuring a DHCP server using Cisco Packet Tracer

We will be using Cisco Packet Tracer to create a network topology map consisting of a few PCs, and a server system to act as a DHCP server

Studying Linux and Windows network commands

Taking a look at Linux and Windows network commands. [ping, pathping, ipconfig/ifconfig, arp, netstat, nbtstat, nslookup, route, traceroute/tracert, nmap, etc]

Creating a network topology map using Cisco Packet Tracer

Setting up a small network of a few network and end devices using Hubs/Switches. It includes configuring LAN Cards, interfaces, preparation of cables, assigning IP addresses, and checking the connection of the network, all done in Cisco packet tracer, a network topology mapper.

Networking Basics

Routers(and setup), switches, identifying devices on a local network, troubleshooting, ICMP, using the ping utility

The OSI and TCP/IP Models, packet capture with Wireshark

IP addressing

IP addresses-public and private, LAN, subnetting, DHCP servers

MAC addresses, ARP and ARP spoofing

DNS, nslookup, DNSSEC and OCSP

Exploring the Domain Name System, using nslookup, DNS cache poisoning, DNSSEC and OCSP stapling

How the Web Works, HTTP Request/Response Cycle

HTTP/HTTPS-methods, status codes, URLs, tracking a GET request and the response

Also talking briefly about HTTP headers, and session keys, cookies


Exploring netstat, and how we could use this as a diagnostic tool when troubleshooting or monitoring networks


Setting up a DoS attack on a system or network, and experimenting with additional modes with hping


Using the traceroute utility to inspect the route of a packet sent across networks. Additionally, covers how we could use this as a diagnostic tool


Application Layer

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Physical Layer

Media Access Control

Network Models

Network Types

Reliable Networks

